Impact Factor as a Scientometric Indicator of the Importance of Scientific Journal


  • Bystrova Yu. V. NDI PZIR
  • Zarvyroh I. P. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. The Integration of Ukrainian science into the world space, updating the consideration of issues related to necessity of: 1) increasing publication activity and indices of citation of domestic subjects of scientific communication; 2) the early entry of Ukrainian journals (especially social and humanitarian) to foreign databases (Web of Science (WoS), Index Copernicus, SciVerse Scopus); 3) advance the influence index of scientific publications; 4) unification of approaches to assessing national scientific journals in accordance with generally scientific metrics. Evaluation methods need further consideration, obtaining the information on quantitative data and significance, impact and authenticity of scientific periodicals that have importance for researchers and publishers. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Complex problems of scientometrics, bibliometrics, informetrics as a branch of modern science and the Impact Factor, which is a popular scientometric indicator of the influence of the scientific journal, was considered by: V. M. Kukharenko, T. O. Kolesnikova, S. A. Nazarovets, E. O. Kopanyeva, N. M. Ridey, L. J. Kostenko, D. V. Solovyanenko, O. S. Onishchenko, A.Yu. Kuznetsova, V. V. Pyslyakov, O. V. Moskaleva, E. Garfield, R. McCullough, B. T. Gonzalez-Pereira and others. Article’s main body. Global processes of modernization of Ukrainian science are actually considering the applying one of the popular criteria for evaluating scientific research in world practice – Impact Factor – index of the influence of scientific journals. The traditional methods of calculating this scientometric indicator as an important numerical index of a scientific journal, which are indexed by well-known international science-computer platforms, interdisciplinary databases: Web of Science (WoS), Index Copernicus, SciVerse Scopus, are given. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Innovative development of scientometric, webometric and bibliometric industries in Ukraine requires solving the following issues: a) to build effective national and optimal cost systems of scientometric monitoring; b) to establish tracking of indicators of scientific metrics; c) to overcome the unsystematicity and the insufficience of coordination in realization of scientometric projects by institutions of different systems and departments; d) to provide the corporate interaction of the research teams on methodological, methodical approaches of bibliometric, webometric and scientometric analysis of information flows and the authoritative scientific publications; e) to introduce new information scientometric technologies in Ukraine


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