Copyright protection in Poland. Experience using digital platforms


  • Mariia Lukan Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine



copyright protection, copyright registration procedure, digital platform, European Union, Polish copyright law


During this terrible war in Ukraine, Ukrainian society became convinced of how important and useful for Ukrainians the “digitalization” policy pursued by the Ukrainian authorities was and remains. As the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine aptly noted, digital infrastructure is the most stable and effective during wartime. Because it cannot be destroyed by missiles. Innovation drives this world, creators have a vested interest in protecting innovation, and the digital future involves digital interaction through digital platforms. That is why it is so interesting for the author of this article to look behind the curtain of an EU country, which is Poland, and investigate what are the procedures for registration and protection of copyright in Poland, as well as the experience of using digital platforms in this area. According to the author of the article, this study will be interesting for scientists from post-Soviet countries, such as Ukraine, which aspire to become part of the EU and try to escape from the “ghost” of socialism. In the article, the author considered copyright protection in Poland in general, registration procedures and the main interest copyright protection through digital platforms in Poland. As a result of the research, it turned out that there is no such institution in Poland where you can get official confirmation of copyright registration. At the same time, Polish practicing lawyers point out that copyright registration can have more advantages than its absence, and the lack of copyright registration can create unpleasant consequences for the author. Thus, we can conclude that it may be appropriate to create a free digital platform at the state level in Poland, which would provide rights holders with clear information about copyright protection methods, which would be confirmed by court decisions confirming the effectiveness of this protection. methods. At the same time, in Ukraine, in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, so that creators do not lose the opportunity to protect their copyrights, the SE “Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property” introduced electronic submission of applications for the registration of copyright objects. In addition, on the state portal “DIIA” and the state portal UKRPATENT there are free “guides” “Registration of the right to a work”, where the entire process of copyright registration is described step by step in a language understandable to the average person, the result of which is the receipt of a certificate of state registration of copyright rights We consider it appropriate that in Poland it is also possible to create a digital platform at the state level, which would allow persons who wish to register their copyrights to submit online applications confirming the registration of copyrights or confirming the date of their creation.


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