Virtual version of the museum as a means of introducing digital technologies


  • Rozghon O. V. PhD, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development, National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine



Problem setting. The issue of legal regulation of the digitization of museums is currently relevant and deserves special attention, since digital transformation at an effective level is necessary for both rare objects (museum cultural values) and modern ones. Creating a modern digital space for museum cultural values will be appropriate for: both visitors, owners and authors of museum cultural values, and outside investors and the museum.

The purpose. Analysis of the “virtual version of the museum” category as a means of introducing digital technologies and defining its features, mechanism for realization and protection of digital works rights, which are in the repository of the museum site.

Analysis of recent research and publications. At the scientific level, scientists, such as A. G. Vasnev, A. V. Goloviznin, S. G. Dolgov, T. V. Dudenko, V. F. Zverhovskaya, I. E. Martynenko, V. Yu. Stepanov, B. M. Odaynyk, but were considered exclusively within the framework of the legal regulation of the circulation of cultural values. The issues of digitization of museums dealt with such scientists as M. A. Belyaeva, T. A. Ladygina, N. V. Klementyevа, K. D. Savitskaya, but more from the point of view of general issues, without affecting the features of the virtual version of the museums.

Article’s main body. Virtual excursion is the result of creative activity, presented in electronic (digital) form, by means of spherical or cylindrical panoramas, based on the interactive interaction of the user (visitor) with the virtual environment through a computer program for visual demonstration of digital works that are to be expressed electronically (digitally) and located on the museum’s website.

Digitization of museum cultural values is one of the most promising areas in the field of introduction of high technologies and automation for museum cultural values.

“Digitalization” should provide every citizen with equal access to cultural information and knowledge services provided through digital technologies. The implementation of this principle is possible when implementing a virtual version of the museum.

The author defines the essence of the category “virtual version of the museum” and reveals its features. The article states that when visiting a virtual tour, the visitor can receive the following electronic services in the field of culture and the arts (paid / free), in particular, 1) view the virtual panorama by going to different halls of the museum, 2) explore museum exhibits that are museum cultural values, 3) get information about museum cultural values and more.

Conclusions. According to the results of research, the expediency of positioning the museum in the Web space is established and the necessity of introducing a virtual version of the museum as a means of introduction of digital technologies is substantiated.

The author found that if the museum site has a repository of digital photographs, which are viewed through virtual tours, access to such a site or content must be based on the copyright and copyright of the digital author himself.


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