Author guidelines



The journal will receive the following types of documents:

Research articles. It is a document that presents, in detail, the original results of finished research projects. The structure must contain the following:

Title, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, bibliographic references.

Review article. Document result of a finished research where the results of published research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, on a field in science or technology in order to account for progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 30 references. Your structure must contain the following:

Title, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, bibliographic references.


Article submission

The author can send his article at any time of the year to the following email:

  1. Items must be original.
  2. The author must register at ORCIDand Publons
  3. Articles must have a maximum length 4000 - 8000 words and must be written with APA standards version 7.0 (Source 1 | 2).
  4. The document must have a maximum of 4
  5. The document must contain references to documents included in the scientometric base (Web of Science).
  6. Articles must have a minimum of 20 bibliographic references, including 10 references from the last 5 years
  7. The author covers the APC costs.
  8. The document review between 2 and 7 weeks.

The Journal reserves the right to publish or not an article. Likewise, the journal is empowered to make minor adjustments to the text that guarantee the quality of the publication.

This journal is open access. Our journal does not charge readers any fees for access to publications. The open access model allows academic publication so that anyone in the world has access to the full text of research articles for the best interests of the scientific community. The main advantage of this work is to help researchers living in many developing countries to easily access advances in cutting-edge technology.

Our editorial policy seeks to expand collaboration networks. The author who submits his manuscript to our Journal agrees to be contacted later for a possible revision.

The selection of reviewers in our journal is made considering the subject of the manuscript and the academic background and experience of the reviewer. Our team has contacted professionals from different disciplines located on different continents, as well as a technical team, software platforms and computer services to guarantee the publication of documents that meet the required standards.

This journal is indexed in various databases, libraries and repositories; indexing processes are carried out on platforms external to ours, for this reason, the editorial team does not commit to indexing documents on external platforms. The incorporation or not, as well as the time of its incorporation in databases, repositories, indexers and virtual libraries where the journal is present are the responsibility of the organizations that carry out this activity.


Evaluation Conditions

For the journal, the submission of an article implies that the authors certify and accept that it has not been published or accepted for publication in another journal, for which you must send the signed originality letter.

The articles submitted by the authors are preliminary reviewed by the editor of the publication, in the light of the editorial policy of the journal and the requirements established in the guidelines for the authors. If any article does not satisfy this first review, it will be returned to the authors for adjustment and subsequent submission.

Regarding the evaluation process, the Editor studies articles that meet the conditions established for the authors. Subsequently, the article is sent to 2 evaluators who belongs to the subject knowledge area. The document is delivered to the evaluator without the name of the authors. The author or authors will also not know the name of the evaluators. 

Once the favorable or unfavorable concept of the reviewers has been obtained the concept of the reviewers will be communicated to the authors who will have to attend the observations and suggestions for the publication of the article within the time indicated for it by the editorial team.

If the article has received one negative response from the reviewer, the journal sends the article to a third reviewer for review. And if the article receives 2 negative reviews, the article is not accepted. The final decision is up to the editor or subject editor of the journal.

If the document is rejected, the manuscript will be withdrawn and cannot be submitted to the journal again. 


Criteria and requirements for article authors - Structure for submitting articles.

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Title: The title should be short, clear, and collect the essence of the work in maximum 20 words.

Author data: The author of the article can be individual or corporate, includes the following information in the reference of each author: ORCID code, academic degrees, current institutional affiliation, current institutional position, research group to which it belongs, institutional email, city, country.

Abstract: The abstract should describe the introduction, results, discussion of the results and the most important findings. This section must have a maximum of 200 words.

Keywords: The author must define 5 keywords that describe the content of the document, written in strict alphabetical order. These descriptors should be as standard as possible, thus guaranteeing searches in the bibliographic bases and indexes.

Introduction: The introduction is the approach to the topic to be discussed. It must provide objective of the research, information on the problem addressed in the study and its justification. Likewise, it should briefly show hat the author will state in each section.

Theoretical framework or Literature Review: The theoretical framework will establish the theories on which the study is based. The literature review will establish the most relevant investigations of the object of study, analysis of publications.

Methodology: Here the type of investigation, method and applied techniques are established in a descriptive way. This section establishes the rigidity with which the study was carried out and allows the reader to understand how to carry out the investigation and replicate it if required.

Results: This section presents the information obtained in a clear way, specifying the main findings from the interpretation of the data in light of the theoretical references or the literature review. This section seeks to fulfill the objective of the investigation.

Discussion. This section analyzes and explains the results, as well as determines the place of the results obtained during the study in the structure of knowledge known to mankind.

Discussion of the results includes summarizing and evaluating the results of the study. It is necessary to compare the results obtained in the article with the results of research by other authors. Having considered other scientific concepts, to define, from a position of which of them it is possible to explain the received results. Reflect the assessment of the reliability of the results obtained and their comparison with other people's existing results. That is, it is necessary to determine the place of the results obtained during the study in the structure of knowledge known to mankind.

Conclusions: The conclusions must be precise and show the balance of the investigation.


Acknowledgments: Authors may provide the following information in this section: technical help, indirect assistance, funding bodies, grant numbers, associated fellowships etc.

Bibliographic references: Citations and references must be in accordance with APA standards (7th edition). You must ensure that each appointment has its corresponding reference.

At least 50% of cited works should be indexed in ESCI.