Threat of State’s Regions Economic Security and Problems of its Classification
Problem setting. As you know, the economic security of the region, despite the moderate level of industrial production and economic activity compared to the state level, is the subject of management with an extremely complex set of methodological tools for its provision. Target of research. The purpose of the article is to attempt to define the concept of “threats to the economic security of the region”, identification its main types, as well as analysis the main risks. Analysis of recent research and publications.The following scientists S. V. Valentei, A. G. Granberg, A.M. Gumenyuk, M. M. Yermoshenko, O. O. Melnyk, S. A. Romanuk have dedicated their works to studying issues of economic security of the region and the issues of threats to the economic security of the region. Article’s main body. As you know, the economic security of the region is the state of its economic subsystem, which supports and enables economic interests to be realized, it contributes to maintaining and enhancing the sustainability of territorial development, and ensures independence from the impact of internal and external threats. According to the author’s opinon, the most important task in the context of creating conditions for the formation of a stable system of economic security in the region should be the optimal distribution of powers between state authorities and local self-government bodies. It should be noted the threats to the economic security of the regions have a dual nature: firstly, they have regional origin and their sources are in the region; and secondly, the economic threats of the region could be based in national policy and national processes. In the article the author analyzes the main legislative and doctrinal sources, as the basis for the classification of risks of the economic security of the region and it has been carried out the division of its threats to the three main groups with the description of them. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Thus, it can be argued that the economic security of the region and the process of overcoming the threats to economic security are achieved through the consistent establishment of goals, objectives and directions in this area, with the further development of management tools for their implementation and provision.
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