Legal Consciouness is the Step to Reduce Narcotic Crime


  • Kornyakova T.V. NDI PZIR
  • Modenko I.M. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. All the years of state independence the reforms in various directions are undergoing, and there has been a lot of such reforms. Each reform was aimed at the construction of a “new country”, but all reformers left out the main issue education of legal consciousness, that is, internal education. In particular, the sense of own grandeur, ability to self-determination and self-management; mutual respect and people’s trust in each other, respect for the law and those who implement it, readiness to comply with the norms and prohibitions of the law, and the sense of internal responsibility. Target of research. The purpose of the paper is to study the impact of drug addiction on society, on this basis to develop methods for raising the legal awareness of the population that will reduce the level of drug addiction in Ukraine. Analysis of recent researches and publication. The role of legal consciousness has been studied by prominent scholars intheirs differet works: G. Avanesova, A. Kostenko, N. Kuznetsova, Yu. Antonian, A. Litvak, A. Tkachuk, I. Turkevich, V. Tulyakov, A. Tuzov, N. Yuzikova. Artice’s main body. The article examines the relationship between drug addiction and the destructiveness of the nation. The state of addiction has been analyzed, on the basis of which the role of civil society in the system of counteraction to narcosis has been determined. The ways to reduce drug crime have been developed. It has been pointed out that drug addiction is an antisocial phenomenon, it is necessary to overcome the existing legal nihilism for its elimination, in order for laws to be respected and enforced. It is necessary to create stability and uniformity in the regulation of social relations. Strengthen the authority of public authorities. It is emphasized on the need to raise the level of legal awareness of the population, since the crime is an example of deviant behavior, the development of legal culture, that lever, which will destroy social maladaptation and direct the society to civil society, Ukraine to the ideal of a law-governed state. Conclusion and prospects for the development. Increasing the level of legal consciousness will allow the formation of inadmissibility of the use of narcotic substances that will reduce the level of narcotic crime. A change in the outlook – the transition from permissiveness, “false” tendencies to reasoning to a qualitatively new level of independence of society – is the key to building a healthy nation, independent of obsessive canons and harmful habits.


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