Activity of Business Entities in the Area of the Joint Forces Operation: Peculiarities of Legal Regulation


  • Georgiievskyi I.V. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal regulation peculiarities of business entities activity in the area of conducting the Joint Forces Operation. It is emphasized on the necessity of operative development and introduction of a new law, regulating the business entities activity in the area of conducting the Joint Forces Operation after the expiry of the Law of Ukraine “About Interim Measures for the Period of Anti-Terrorist Operation”. Target of research. The purpose of this study is to determine the legal regulation peculiarities of business entities activity in the area of conducting the Joint Forces Operation. Analysis of resent researches and publications. Despite the significant application value of the issues of the legal regulation peculiarities of business entities activity in the area of Anti-terrorist Operation and in the area of conducting the Joint Forces Operation, this topic remains beyond the attention of Ukrainian scholars and practitioners. Among works that partly concern this area of Ukrainian legislation, it is worth highlighting the work of A.V. Zamrigu, T.V. Mihaylova, R.O. Kobza, S.A. Trofimova, V.V. Maltseva. Article’s main body. The current status of legal regulation of the business entities activity in the area of conducting the Joint Forces Operation is characterized by the application of the norms of the Law of Ukraine “About Interim Measures for the Period of Anti-Terrorist Operation”. The loss of this law after six months from the date of completion of the ATO highlights the need for the rapid development and introduction of a new law that should comply with the norms of the Law of Ukraine “About the peculiarities of state policy on ensuring the state sovereignty of Ukraine in temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions” and the Special Order of the Joint Forces Operation. In order to increase the prosperity of Ukrainian enterprises in the area of Joint Forces Operation, the most important directions of state support have to include: 1) the development of state target programs aimed at increasing the access of business entities to financial services, in particular in the field of preferential crediting and micro-lending; 2) simplification of registration and permitting procedures for business entities in the area of conducting the Joint Forces Operation; 3) the introduction of preferential taxation of business entities on that area. Conclusions and prospects for the development. The basis of legal regulation should become a comprehensive increase of economic motivation of the Ukrainian enterprises in the territory of conducting the Joint Forces Operation. Subsequent systematic application of such measures will not only prevent the humanitarian and economic crisis in the zone of the Joint Forces Operation, but will also contribute to the deoccupation and full return of the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions.


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