State Support for Development of the Agricultural Machinery Market in Ukraine


  • Sarybekian M.S. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. To date, the state does not pay due attention to the market of agricultural machinery, which leads to its decline. During the years of independence, 4 state target programs for the development of domestic machine building for the agro-industrial complex were adopted, but all of them were found to be ineffective.. Article’s main body. The purpose of this article is to study current legislation, which regulates the sector of agricultural engineering in Ukraine, state programs for the development of the investigated market and develop ways to improve the functioning of the market of domestic agricultural machinery. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Compared to the state policy of Ukraine in the field of agricultural machinery with the USA, Germany and Japan, we can conclude that Ukraine does not pay adequate attention to ensuring the development of the agricultural machinery market. All Program of development of the agricultural machinery market, which was accepted only formally, can testify to this, but in practice we see that the said Programs have not been properly implemented and found to be ineffective. Analyzing the state of state policy of Ukraine in the development of the agricultural machinery market, we can look for positive changes, which are to support the domestic agricultural machinery manufacturer by partially compensating for the cost of agricultural machinery. However, agricultural machinery manufacturers are not currently involved in the mechanism for obtaining state compensation for the purchase of machinery. Therefore, in our opinion, for the effective functioning of the agricultural machinery market, state support is needed, aimed at: – development of an effective State program for the development of the agricultural machinery market, which will meet contemporary realities; – creation of a complex program of innovative development of the agricultural machinery market; – overcoming the technological and innovative lag behind the domestic agricultural machinery from the world by updating the technological equipment of enterprises with the help of state financing; – supervision over the technical condition of agricultural machinery, creation and maintenance of its single electronic register; – testing and certification of new technical means, monitoring their quality, compliance with modern requirements; – promotion of cooperation between agroindustrial enterprises and research and development institutions. Taking into account the foregoing, we can conclude that, at the current stage, the agricultural machinery market is not in line with the current level of scientific and technological progress, therefore, it needs to be reequipped to ensure the production of modern, high-quality and productive agricultural machinery that can compete with foreign producers of agricultural machinery and bring profit to the national the economy. Without proper state support, it is impossible to carry out these actions.


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