Legal Regulation of Economic Information Relations in Ukraine


  • Vodoriezova S. R. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. The article deals with the peculiarities of the legal regulation of economic information relations in Ukraine. The modern period of development of society and state is characterized by the fact that information processes have become an indispensable attribute of ensuring the activities of state bodies, enterprises and citizens. An important branch of the modern economy of developed countries is information technology, the information technology industry is the basis for building a digital economy, promotes the emergence of new products and services, has an active influence on business and public life. Target of research. The purpose of this study is analysis of the peculiarities of legal regulation of economic information relations in Ukraine. Analysis of resent researches and publications. Some problematic issues of legal regulation of information relations are studied by such scientists as Yu. P. Burilo, K. I. Belyakov, O. V. Kokhanovskaya, I. V. Aristova, I. P. Bachilo, A. A. Baranov, V. S. Tsimbalyuk, L. P. Kovalenko and others. Along with this, separate legal aspects of economic information activities related to electronic document management, electronic digital signature, e-commerce, etc. are considered in the works of such scientists as V. M Bryzhko, O. I. Yaremenko, M. M. Dutov and other scholars. At the same time, further in-depth analysis requires a comprehensive study of the essence of economic activity in the information sphere. Article’s main body. Information (from lat. Informatio – explanation, presentation) – information transmitted by people in oral, written or other way (by means of conditional signals, technical means, etc.); from the middle of the twentieth century. It is a general scientific concept, which includes the exchange of information between people, man and machine, automatic machine and automatic machine; signal exchange in the animal and plant world; transfer of signs from cell to cell, from organism to body; one of the basic concepts of cybernetics. Information is a rather specific, intangible object, and in this regard, it has its own specific properties. In legal literature, they are classified into general and legal properties. Common ones include such properties as are inherent in any information used in society and affect all social relations that are related to information, regardless of the existence or absence of legal regulation. Conclusions and prospects for the development. When classifying economic activity in the field of information services it is necessary to proceed from specific features of information. As noted, a special kind of informational activity is information and infrastructure activity, the object of which is not the information itself (information resources), but elements of information and telecommunication infrastructure (information and telecommunication networks, computers, telecommunication facilities, etc.).


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