Directions or Implementation of Antidiscriminational Law in Ukraine


  • Kalmykova O. S. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. This article analyzes the state and actual tasks for the effective implementation of anti-discrimination law in Ukraine. Attention is drawn to the regulatory framework, the implementation mechanisms and the institutional framework for ensuring the implementation of state policy in this area. Article’s main body. Nowadays, our country has adopted a large number of legal norms that belong to antidiscrimination law, take into account the international obligations of our state, as well as the provisions of international treaties and other acts of the universal and regional level. Part 2 of Art. 24 of the Constitution of Ukraine, 1996 proclaimed that there can be no privileges or restrictions on grounds of race, color of the skin, political, religious or other beliefs, sex, ethnic or social origin, property status, place of residence, language or other grounds . At the same time, foreigners and stateless persons who are legally in Ukraine enjoy the same rights and freedoms as well as carry the same responsibilities as citizens of Ukraine, and exceptions are established by the Constitution, laws or international treaties of Ukraine (Part 1 Article 26). Conclusions and prospects for the development. As we see, the absence of a comprehensive and coherent policy for the introduction of anti-discrimination law in Ukraine on the one hand has a negative impact on the international image of Ukraine, in particular, on the desire and ability to fulfill its international obligations. On the other hand, it does not enable to timely identify and effectively counter local internal conflicts in Ukrainian society and creates favorable conditions for intra-community provocations in this area.


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