Directions of Improvement of Legislation on Intellectual Property in Ukraine


  • Markevich V. V. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. The gradual development of economic processes in the territory of our state has reached a level when economic entities are in dire need of a significant update of existing production facilities. The mass character of these processes indicates the formation of grounds for the gradual change of the whole technological structure. But at the same time there is a reasonable question, and whether our state and our legal system is ready to such a change? Does the current legislation meet the needs of business entities? Analysis of recent researches in work was studied the works of scholars, such as Pachuca M. T., and Shkilnuk O. M., Derechin, V. V., Bogomolov O. V., Hrenovskov Is. I., Swiatotsky O. D., Davidyuk, O. M. Article’s main body. As follows from the provisions of article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “on state regulation of activities in the field of technology transfer” technology the result of scientific and technical activities, a set of systematic scientific knowledge, technical, organizational and other decisions on the list, timing, order and sequence of operations, the process of production and/or sale and storage of products, services. This concept is further disclosed through two related legal categories specified in the same legal act-the object of technology and technology components. As seen from the content of these rules of law, the objects of intellectual property rights should become internal components of the technology that can be created on the territory of our country. But at the same time, the General content and legal nature of the technology are not fully disclosed at the level of normative legal documents, which already causes resistance among the practice of law enforcement in the course of the implementation of these regulatory requirements. But I have to admit that in legal science there is no uniform approach to understanding what norms of the current legislation of Ukraine should regulate the transfer of rights to technology. Will the rules of civil law regulating the entry into personal non-property and property rights to intellectual property rights extend its effect on legal relations associated with the transfer of technology? Conclusions and prospects for the development. (1) As it is seen from the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine, the objects of intellectual property rights should become internal components of the technology that can be created on the territory of our country. (2) Modern legal regulation is unacceptable, since the General meaning and legal nature of the technology are not fully disclosed at the level of normative legal documents, which already causes resistance among the practice of law enforcement in the course of the implementation of these regulatory requirements. (3) It is Advisable to amend the current legislation of Ukraine by introducing into its structure the provisions that all the legal regulation of related aspects of the use of intellectual property rights and technologies could be divided into two major parts: The First part: the creation of legal opportunities for the free conclusion of economic, legal and civil agreements between the parties to relations in the field of technology. The second part is the creation of its own, special sectoral legislation, which would determine the fundamental aspects of the legal status of technology and provide a set of legal means to stimulate the legitimate behavior of the subjects of technology transfer


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