Economic and Legal Measures of Increasing the Competitiveness of the National Rocket-Space Industry


  • Shvydka T. I. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. The state plays an important role in ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises of the space industry through effective methods of state regulation, in particular by applying economic and legal means. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The problems of management, development and competitiveness of space industry enterprises have been discussed in the works of such Ukrainian scholars and statesmen as Yu.S. Alekseev, O. V. Degtyarev, V. P. Gorbulin, S. M. Konyukhov, A. I. Shevtsov, V. S. Shehovtsov, O.V. Pylypenko, O. E. Dzhur, S. A. Lisovenko, Yu.V. Bukhun and others. Target of research. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of development of the rocket and space industry and ways to improve state regulation and increase the competitiveness by reducing transaction and transformation costs. Article’s main body. The rocket-space industry occupies a special place among the strategic knowledge-intensive industries of Ukraine and has important political and economic significance. The state plays an important role in ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises of the space industry, using effective methods of state regulation, including economic and legal means. Ukraine recognizes as a cosmic state in the world, it is the full-fledged partner in the space services market. Aviation and rocket-space industry enterprises are state-owned objects of strategic importance for the state’s economy and security. The mechanism of economic and legal influence on the processes of increasing the competitiveness of objects of space activity should be focused on reducing the transformation and transaction costs; on assistance in attracting of additional investments in the production of competitive products to increase its volumes and seriality and on stimulating the processes of improving the quality of goods and services of economic entities. An important factor in increasing the competitiveness of any sector of the economy, including the space industry, is the factor of attracting investment. Investments are an important component of economic development of the country’s economy, as well as a prerequisite for the same development. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Increasing the competitiveness of objects of space activity, as one of the important tasks of the state, should be achieved through optimization of state regulation, through the application of economic and legal means. Among the means of increasing competitiveness it is possible to allocate, in particular, reduction of transformation and transaction costs. Reducing of transformation costs occurs through the introduction of innovations in the production process. An important factor is the creation of a favorable investment climate, including the attraction of foreign investment in the space industry. One more measure of increasing the competitiveness of the space industry is the involvement of the private sector, including on the terms of public-private partnership. It is proposed to amend the Law on Public-Private Partnership regarding the provision of the right to create the legal structures in the Ukrainian rocket and space industry with the participation of public and private partners, and to provide the private partner with incentives to raise their own funds in this area.


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