Financial Mechanism to Ensure the Investment Environment in Forestry Sector in Ukraine


  • Savchuk E. A NDI PZIR


The article analyzes the issues of the financial mechanism of ensuring the investment environment forestry sector, the analysis of current legislation and developments of scientists in this area. It describes the General problem of investment in forest production in Ukraine, the emphasis on the imperfection of the normative-legal acts of current legislation. Today there is a tendency unattractiveness of forestry to investors, which hinders the development of the forestry sector. They want a fast profit, but is impossible at the designated question. As aptly noted B. I. Kolisnik “by investing, you should consider the integrated effect which is formed by the funds invested in the reproduction of forest resource potential. Unlike other economic sectors, forestry is a significant positive environmental and social effects that can greatly exceed the economic benefit. This makes the forest industry is extremely important for society in terms of creation of favorable conditions of residence, the positive impact of forests on the environment etc” The aim of this paper is the general study of legal problems of financing of the investment environment of the forest industry of Ukraine, ways of overcoming them. The object of this research is the system of relations fixed set of legal rules the financial mechanism of ensuring the investment environment forestry sector of Ukraine. The subject of research is the analysis of the current legislation concerning the financial mechanism for investment in this area.


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