Insured Persons in the System of Social Insurance Against Industrial Accidents Iand Occupational and Professional Diseases


  • Trunova G. A. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. According to official figures, a significant percentage of employees in Ukraine are not covered by the system of social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. In practice, actual access to protection from industrial accident at is even lower, mainly due to problems in law enforcement that determines the relevance of the study. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The legal issues concerning the insured persons in the system of social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases were considered by such scientists as V. V. Andriyev, M. I. Bodnaruk, D. M. Kravtsov, A. I. Kulchytska, A. L. Kuchma, O. V. Moskalenko, S. M. Prilipko, S. M. Sinchuk, N. M. Khutoryan. Article’s main body. The article is devoted to the study of the categories of insured persons in the system of social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. The list of insured persons has been determined in the article, the moment from what the person become insured in the system of compulsory state social insurance against industrial accident and occupational disease of Ukraine also has been defined. Concerning the convicts, it is determined that under the current legislation convict is the subject to compulsory state social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. However, the provisions of the bylaw legal act, that determine the procedure for making deductions from salaries of convicts, does not provide for the calculation of a single contribution to the wage fund of convicts. It was emphasized that the fact of residence as a family with insured person does not give a right to receive onetime assistance in the case of compulsory state social insurance in case of death of the insured person. Persons who were in dependence, but did not live with insured person as one family have the right to providing under compulsory state social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. The attention paid on the necessity of making changes to the current legislation on the inclusion of persons providing selfemployment on their own, and citizens subjects of entrepreneurial activity to the category of persons who are compulsorily subject of compulsory state social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational disease. It was determined that one of the key problems in providing the right to protection against industrial accidents in Ukraine remains the problem of informal employment. Conclusions and prospects for the development. According to the results of the study, some concllusions and suggestions have been made regarding the improvement of the list of insured persons in the system of social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases in Ukraine.


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