Some Problems of Legal Regulation Forms of Vocational Training for Workers


  • Ivanova Y. S. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. Forms are important tools for vocational training of employees. Legislation stipulates different forms of professional training as a during a work day and distance learning, on the job training and training with a break from manufacturing, personal and course training. The employer choose the one of the best suitable for a particular type of employment and will be aimed at increasing productivity of work. Furthermore the author investigates the issue of changing the legal status of an employee and employer when drawing up the job training contract. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Forms of vocational training for workers studied K. Bugaichuk, L. Kalenichenko, D. Nartumov, I. Nosureva, V. Savchenko, S. Silchenko, A. Pasherstnik, R. Shapoval, P. Shevchuk. Some of them explores distant learning in detail, which is becoming increasingly popular now. Target of research. The aim of the article is review and analyze the forms of vocational training of employees. The author investigate the issue of changing the legal status of an employee and employer when drawing up a contract on the job training. Article’s main body. According to the Law of Ukraine ‘About professional development of workers’, Article 7: the professional training of employees is carried out during a work day, as a part of an evening course (variable), an internship, a distance learning or an intensive course with and without break from manufacturing or according to individual plan. Professional training of workers in manufacturing industry is held in the form of: a course, which involves the formation of training groups and carried out in educational institutions (laboratories); and a personal training, which involves training in the workplace under the supervision of qualified skilled workers mentors. There have been millions of people educated in the correspondence system of education, but ‘classical’ correspondence is obsolete and distance learning is ahead of it by many criteria. We suppose that distance learning is one of the forms of learning that is only gaining popularity in Ukraine. If it is properly organized, it can provide quality education that meets the modern standards of society. Despite is the fact of issue of the legal status an employee on the job training. In order to resolve issues on the job training an employee at the manufacture and implementation of the right for vocational training. Therefore an agreement for the job training is concluded between the employer and the person who will be trained. Moreover agreement can be concluded as with a potential candidate for the training, as with an employee. Conclusions and prospects for the development. In conclusion, it should be noted that education and training plays a key role in providing people with decent work, therefore knowledge and soft skills are becoming increasingly important to stay competitive at the labor market. For the development of employees it is necessary to realize the importance of professional training, improve knowledge and implement the best practices to train young workers. Thus, all forms of vocational training are aimed at ensuring continuous professional development.


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