The Modern Problems of Social-Legal Communication From the Prism of the Time’s Challenges


  • Bystrova Yu. V. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. In the Ukrainian social realities actual is a problem of the democratic institutions, the formation of law state, legal conscience, strengthening national sovereignty, establishing the balance of interests of the state, society and individuals. Under these conditions the defining role belongs to an effective legal system communication. The new challenges due to the legal socialization, the growing importance of social and communication paradigms in all spheres of public activity, and thus is actualization advisability of study of the social-legal communications (SLC). Analysis of resent researches and publications. Deontological sources of the legal communication investigated of known Ukrainian and foreign scientists in the field of general legal theory and the theory of social communication: D. Andreev, V. Ilhanayeva, D. Lassuel, A. Sokolov, A. Polyakov, G. Pocheptsov, G. Provancher, V. Bebik, P. Rabinovich, M. Vasylyk, I. Chesnov, N. Savinova, L. Luts, Van Hook, S. Alekseev, I. Sitar, Habermas, K. Jaspers, A. Antonov, V. Kravyts, E. Usmanova, A. Makushina, A. Tokarska and others. Target of research. Explore the nature of social-legal communication in globalization as a mechanism of the consolidation of public-political, social-legal, institutionalized relationships that ensure progress and security in all areas of society. Article’s main body. In the communication state’s space of the social-legal communication is a set of processes and structures that ensure purposeful circulation and distribution of the legal information and legal knowledge in the social space-time continuum. Legal communication is a natural process, the social phenomenon considered as a dialogue in the modern bipolar space. The SLC is evolving and changing in time and obliged to bring the audience reasonably necessary, perceived and accepted by most people the information content of which is expressed in the form of signs. The social-legal communication is the mean of influence on the development of legal conscience, legal education end legal culture of personality. In support of this in terms of empirical observation of the whole sphere of social values and legal communication is examined at the level of: 1) national (state) law; 2) the European Community and European Union law; 3) international private and public law. It must include an optimal totality of the directives and norms that in the legal system of modern Ukrainian society demonstrated as the consolidated regulators of social and legal relations. Conclusions and prospects for the development. In the Ukrainian’s social realities nature of social-legal communication is the interdependence and complementarities of society and SLC. It is proved that under globalization and given the challenges the social-legal communication is a mechanism of consolidation: legal activities; public administration; system lawmaking, execution of law, dissemination of law and law regulation; generation communication systems; support and translation of legal information and knowledge in society and media space; the process of the rule of law based on the integration of general and applied modalities of the law; legislative activities and strengthening the rule of law; formation legal conscience; creating a media image of the law.


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