Natural Resources as Objects of National and Local Significance


  • Trotska M. V. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. Natural resources are a part of the natural objects that are used to meet relevant needs of people, have different meanings and value to society. It is defined by certain parameters, including location of natural resources, their occurrence in the territory, ability to reproduction, etc. All natural resources are essential for their properties and characteristics. But if they are classified according to the degree of importance, necessity and usefulness in the vital activity of people, they can be divided into natural resources of national and local significance. The research of the indicated classification is important to understand a legal regime of use and protection of such resources. Analysis of resent researches and publications. A number of authors have inquired into the outlined question, in particular V. I. Andreitsev, A. P. Hetman, I. I. Karakash, О. О. Pohribnyi, S. V. Razmetaiev, О. M. Tkachenko, Yu. S. Shemshuchenko, М. V. Shulha, etc. Article’s main body. The legislation provides for a list of the natural resources of national and local significance in the Law of Ukraine «On Environmental Protection» and relevant legislation concerning each kind of resources. Water bodies (territorial and inland marine waters, groundwater, surface water that are situated or used in more than one region), air, forests, wild animals, minerals are differentiated among them, as well as those defined by territorial affiliation, namely being situated within the continental shelf and exclusive (maritime) economic zone, respective territories and objects of natural reserve fund. This list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented by other components. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Based on the stated above, it can be concluded that the classification of natural resources to those of national and local significance has its relevance and importance in the context of defining a legal regime of their use, reproduction, protection, etc. But amendments to particular legislative acts and lack of such amendments in others, obscurity in the wording do not make it impossible to understand fully what resources belong to these classes.


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