On Financial and Legal Nature of Compulsory Social Insurance


  • Bilinsky D. A. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. Mandatory social insurance is an integral part of the public financial system, and therefore require more detailed research, including the study of approaches to the raised question in foreign countries, and develop practical recommendations for improving the social insurance system in Ukraine. Analysis of resent researches and publications. The question of the compulsory social insurance in the scientific literature has been the subject of research of renowned experts as S. M. Vdovenko, V. M. Andrew’s, N. B. Bolotin, S. G. Stozhok, S. George, S. A. Kropelnytska, B. V. Nadtochiy. However, given the rapidity of changes taking place at the present stage of development of legislation important is to continue research in this direction. Article’s main body. The article devoted to the research of the public nature of compulsory social insurance as an important part of the public financial system. Provided the definition of key terms relating to the questions contained in the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. Considered applicable rules of law governing relations in the field of impaired issues analyzed scientific views of contemporary authors. Proved that despite the diversity of scientific views and approaches characteristic feature of compulsory social insurance is its public nature. The existing in Ukraine as of today the social insurance funds, special attention is paid to the Pension Fund of Ukraine, Fund of obligatory state social insurance against unemployment and the issue of unification of the Social Insurance Fund on temporary disability and the Social Accident Insurance in the manufacture of the social insurance Fund of Ukraine. Analyzed the importance of implementation in Ukraine of a single social contribution. Attention is paid to the range of unresolved issues, including the inadequacy and instability of the financial system of social security; lack of an effective system of compulsory social insurance; the need to improve the system of payments and the establishment of effective control over the intended use of the target insurance funds. Investigated that each of the member states of the European Union has its own national characteristics in the field of compulsory insurance system and singled out several groups of which the inherent certain similarities administration and collection of premiums of insurance payments. Investigated the most common models of management fees and charges in compulsory social insurance in the European countries with the aim of drawing positive experience and its practical implementation in the relevant reforms. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Conclusions regarding the main tasks of building a system of compulsory social insurance and offered a number of practical steps. It is noted that as of today the compulsory social insurance system in Ukraine is in the process of rapid development and reform and despite some positive developments such as the introduction of a single social contribution, the system still needs to resolve a number of issues, the most pressing of which can include improving the mechanism to reduce rates of single social contribution, which will allow to significantly reduce toning salaries. Determined that social insurance is a mandatory and integral component of the public financial system, whose goal is the stability of social development and ensure a high level of social protection Ukraine. Achieving the objectives Stan possible while respecting the principles of transparency and publicity of social security, and to ensure uniformity in charging base premiums.


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