Innovative Technologies in the Mechanism of Judicial Power Transparency Ensuring


  • Rubtsov S. S. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. The principle of transparency is one of the main requirements to the organization and activity of public authorities, it’s an integral part of the democratic law state. It gets the particular importance concerning with the functioning of the judicial power. The transparency level is directly proportional to the confidence level in the court. The validity of mentioned position proves by the today practice. The trust level to the judiciary in Ukraine has been increased last time. We believe that this is the result of the significant change in communication policy of the judiciary, particularly, of judicial authorities and in judicial activity informatization. Despite of some progress towards the implementation of innovative technologies in the judiciary proceedings, their potential is not used in full capacity. This is extremely negative and significantly reduces the possibility of a court and trial participants. That is why this issue should be studied. Analysis of resent researches and publications. Some issues of the judiciary transparency have been studied by such scientists as L. M. Moskvich, O. O. Ovsyannikova, V. V. Gorodovenko, O. Ju. Dudchenko and others. Article’s main body. The article analyzed the ways to improve the innovative technologies using in the court. According to the author’s opinion, According to the author, it will improve the quality of the judiciary transparency. The current state of e-justice in Ukraine has been analyzed; also the author suggested the proposals of its functioning improving. In particular, the attention focused on the need to combine all the features provided by electronic court in one service. In addition, the author expressed the ideas about the video fixation of litigation and the possibility to file the procedural documents electronically. The author also estimates the benefits of innovative technologies using in the court administration. Conclusions and prospects for the development. The introduction of innovative technologies in the judiciary allows to simplificate this procedure and enhances its transparency and accessibility. It allows reducing the dependence of courts from the media in shaping their image. In turn, it promotes the social efficiency of the court, its public authority, and trust level, credibility in the public consciousness and in the state mechanism. However, we should realize the need of reasonable balance between the technology using and respect for the role of judge.


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