Innovative Teaching Methods in Ukrainian High School


  • Бистрова Ю. В. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. Social importance of the state in providing access to quality education, providing graduates with high level of knowledge, skills and competencies by ensuring academic mobility and freedom of universities is increasing in today’s world. Following issues require careful study and scientific justification: experience of innovative educational activities; characteristics of interactive learning content, their specific use in higher education; personalized, team, project technologies for knowledge gaining, information-communication means of learning, online education and other innovations. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The essence of the process of innovation in technology and methods of educational process became the object of study of both foreign and Ukrainian scientists. Scientific explorations of A. M. Aleksyuk, I. I. Dobroskok, V. G. Kremen, A. I. Pavlenko and S. Steshenko, I. M. Bogdanova, M. V. Lysenko, V. Yu. Strelnikov, P. Yu. Saukh, G. O. Shevchuk, S. M. Shkarlet and others are devoted to general theoretical, scientific and practical problems of innovative paradigm in higher education, individual modern forms and technologies of education, experience and prospects for their use in educational practice. Target of research. In terms of activity to examine the value of innovation, original, innovative methods, teaching techniques, actions, tools and techniques for the development of educational process in higher education in Ukraine. Article’s main body. Today, educational innovations are characterized by purposeful process of partial changes, requiring modification of goals, contents, methods and forms of learning and style of activity, adaptation of educational process to the modern requirements of time and social demands of the labor market. One should actively practice: innovative organization of lectures and seminars; individualized learning tools; modern knowledge control, class and additional group training; optional elective deepening students’ knowledge; problem-based learning; scientific and experimental in the study of new material; application of computer and multimedia technology; development of a new generation of teaching and methodological products. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Thus, the structure and essence of innovative educational process will respond to nature and speed of social change in society, high European standards of training of competitive specialists of innovative type.


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