The Concept of Technology: Establishment of Content and Correlation with Other Related Concepts


  • Adamyuk D. A. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. Today the related concepts such as «innovative product» and «technology» are used in the legal field due to the adoption of the original Laws of Ukraine in the sphere of innovative activity «On innovative activity» and «On the state regulation of technology transfer». No legal act contains the correlation between these concepts, that is why this topic is still debatable within the scientific community, and plays a great importance for the clarification and systematization of the existing terminology in the field of innovation. Target of research is examination of the theoretical content of key concepts in the field of innovation – technology and innovative product, identifying of the features of the legal nature. Article’s main body. The legal nature of such objects of innovative law as innovative product and technology are examined in the article. Examination is based on the processing of advanced legal studies. The analysis of the nature, composition, contents of the basic concepts in the field of innovation is carried out. Also attention is paid to the complex internal structure of concepts and features of legal regulation. Similar and distinctive features of the concepts «technology» and «innovative product» are shown; this allows differentiating them for further improvement of legal regulation. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Technology as a concept of legal science is a complex result of intellectual activity, which includes the set of systematized scientific and technical knowledge (or scientific and technical results), expressed in the form of objects of intellectual property rights or other legally protected results of intellectual activity that are used in the organization and functioning of the specific production process, performance of works or provision of services, at the time of sale or consumption. Technology towards innovative product is a generic term, because it contains a set of attributes and properties, which are proper for the innovative product. Innovative product can be considered as a species concept, because it contains a set of additional criteria that allows distinguishing among the existing mass of technologies.


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