State Registration in the Area of the Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights


  • Koval I. F. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. In article problematic issues of the state registration in the area of transfer of property rights for objects of intellectual property are investigated. The analysis of the national and foreign legislation, scientific thoughts, law-enforcement practice in this sphere is carried out. The expediency of improving the legal regulation of the grounds and procedure for state registration of the transfer of intellectual property rights by specifying the grounds for the transfer of rights, clarifying the legal value of state registration of transfer of rights and facts. Efficiency of a turn of property rights on objects of intellectual property decreases as a result of insufficiently accurate and coordinated regulation of questions of the state registration of contracts and the facts of transfer of these rights. Analysis of resent researches and publications. In scientific literature, problems of the state registration application in the field of transfer of intellectual property rights are investigated in the works of I.Lukash, V. Dmitrishina, N. Ivanitskaya. Article’s main body. The purpose of the article is to determine the status and problems of the state transfer of intellectual property rights and development on this base of suggestions for improvement of an order and the bases of carrying out such registration. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Scientific approaches, the legislation, practice of its application concerning the bases and legal value of the state registration of contracts on the order by property rights of intellectual property are analyzed. As a result of the carried-out analysis expediency of legislative approach according to which voluntary state registration of contracts and obligatory state registration of the facts of transfer of the intellectual property rights is provided. For ensuring consecutive understanding and application of this approach in practice it is offered to provide a separate regulation of the state registration of the facts of transfer of intellectual property rights and contracts, to define the list of the bases of transfer of rights, to fix legal value of the state registration of the facts of transfer of rights.


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