Business Angels Innovative Projects Investment in Ukraine


  • Maloivan V. V. NDI PZIR


but the problem of creation the conditions for theirs effective activity is debated and topical. In terms of the need to stimulate economic development, support for small and medium business, crisis progressing in the domestic economy – special attention should be given to the study of legal forms of business angels in Ukraine. Target of research. The article aims to study the relevance and necessity of formalizing legal status of domestic business angels, to present the approaches of determining theirs legal forms, to describe the most effective forms of innovative projects investment by business angels in Ukraine. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Despite the large number of scientific papers related to the study of investing in innovative projects, the problems of the investment activity of business angels not reflected in the legal scientific literature. Lawyers mainly focused their attention on the functioning of venture funds, innovative funds, their organizational forms and legal status. Y. E. Atamanova, O. R. Kibenko, A. S. Pazenok, T. S. Gudimov, I. I. Rudchenko and other legal scholars raised the mentioned questions. Article’s main body. The article states that business angels can be both individual person and entity, and the latter do not necessarily specialize in investing activities. It’s emphasized that the lack of entrepreneur status for an individual person – a business angel, is not an obstacle for people wishing to become business angels, as, in fact, the existence of such status. It’s grounded the issue of legal forms of business angels – entities. Among the most successful forms of investment funds to business angels allocated corporate form, leasing and loans. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Thus, effective business angels innovative projects investment in Ukraine will be possible with a combination of several factors, including: a) the presence of potentially profitable innovative project; b) fixation of the legal status of business angels, determine its rights, obligations, warranties activities, establishing a number of exemptions and investment incentives; c) improving the economic and political situation in Ukraine. The main purpose of the national legislator is to create clearly regulated, simplified and stimulating conditions for business angels’ activity in Ukraine.


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