Criminal Law Admeasurement of Anti-Corruption: Feasibility, Effectiveness, Excellence


  • Danilchenko Yu. B. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. This article is devoted to the issue of corruption, and to problems leading to existence of mentioned phenomenon in society. Particularly, the article states that corruption leads to the deformation in different fields of public life, including politics, economy, and judiciary. The author focuses on the fact that corruption could collapse any progressive reforms. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The following scholars devoted theirs researchers to the examining subject – O. O. Dudorov, V. M. Kyrychko, O. V. Kozachenko, A. M. Melchnyk, Y. I. Rusnak, M. I. Havronyuk, O. V. Shamrai and others. Target of research. The author examining the phenomenon of corruption as the real threat to national security, that, in turn, could impede social and economic transformation and will damage public institutions in Ukraine. Article’s main body. The author pays attention to the necessity of the hard impact on corruption, and defines reasons and consequences of such impact. Also, the article analyzed the necessity of systematization of tools and measures that should fight corruption. The author determined several aspects: prospective and retrospective. The first aspect concerns state measures regarding to socially dangerous behavior in social relations. The second aspect focuses on the goals that should be achieved as a result of criminal legal activities. The paper identified several groups of crimes in anti-corruption field and classified criminal law measures of impacting on corruption. In particular, it is categorized as follows: coercive, incentive and quasi measures. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Creation of anti-corruption social and political culture should become the priority for the government by reference of anti-corruption efforts declaration.


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