Universally Recognized World Labor-Law Standards to Prevent Corruption


  • Zigalkin I. P. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. The proclamation of independence Ukraine has created the conditions for its transformation into a democratic, social and legal state, whose main duty is to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as integration into the international system of human rights protection. Going beyond the frontiers of economic, political, cultural and other aspects of public life led to the deployment of global processes and regional integration. Analysis of recent research and publications. Some aspects of prevention of corruption were explained in the writings of scientists such as S. M. Klimova, D. V. Dyuzhev, M. I. Melnik, L. I. Arkusha, S. M. Prylypko, O. M. Yaroshenko and others. Target of research. is seen in the analysis of world standards in the field of prevention and counteraction to the corruption. The main material. Bringing of national legislation to conformity with the universally recognized international legal standards of human rights is one of priorities of the Ukrainian state. Legislation requires constant appeal to the generally accepted world standards contained in bilateral and multilateral international treaties and documents of international organizations. Therefore there is a necessity of approximation of the national legal system of Ukraine into the legal systems of those States which established regular contacts on economic, political, cultural and others. Corresponding activity is not limited by time, but must be permanent and carried out in accordance with the development of ideas about maintenance of human rights. Cumulatively all of it convincingly testifies to the necessity of search new scientific paradigm in the form of society – the state – people. A constituent of this problem is a settlement of problem of prevention of corruption legal facilities. Corruption – a complex antisocial phenomenon that accompanies long economic and cultural development of all countries. The scale and the effects of corruption in all countries of the world require appropriate national and international institutions and organizations continuous and in-depth analysis of its causes in order to neutralize and development activities to overcome. Conclusions. Thus, international labor legal standards to prevent corruption form a system of universally termless commitments voluntarily assumed by States in preventing corruption, which are enshrined in international acts of labor and for the implementation of which it is possible application of international influence and control.


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How to Cite

Жигалкін І. П. (2022). Universally Recognized World Labor-Law Standards to Prevent Corruption. Law and Innovation Society, (1 (4), 59–63. Retrieved from https://apir.org.ua/index.php/lais/article/view/264


