Mistakes at Acceptance of Tactical Decisions


  • Bululukov O. Yu. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. Mistakes are assumed at the acceptance of tactical decisions in the process of investigation of crimes, reduce the evidential value of the got information, and quite often draw to its loss. Actuality of research of this problem is conditioned by the presence of errors in inquisitional activity that negatively influence on efficiency of investigation. Analysis of resent researches and publication. The separate questions of research of mistakes in a criminal trial we find out in works of such scientists as: R. S. Belkin, V. D. Bernaz, A. D. Boikov, V. I. Vlasov, N. L. Granate, G. A. Zorin, N. I. Klimenko, A. B. Soloviev, S. А. Sheifer and other. Target of research. The aim of the article is research of mistakes of investigator at the acceptance of tactical decisions and forming of their classification. Article’s main body. In the article considered, present in criminalistics and criminal and procedural literature classifications of inquisitional mistakes and their kinds are adopted. Attention is accented on complication of determination of types of mistakes in connection with many-sided nature of reasons of their origin. Correlation of judicial and tactical mistakes of investigator is considered showing up at investigation. Likeness and distinction of concepts «Tactical mistake» and «mistake are adopted at the acceptance of tactical decision». In the article specified, that at choice tactical decision have influence inherent to the investigator of quality of personality, its ability to decide intellectual tasks. Errors at the acceptance of tactical decisions are examined in relation to the stages of forming of theoretical construction of tactical decision, to that behave: а) preparatory; b) decision-making; c) practical realization. As it applies to the adopted stages there is classification of the mistakes assumed at the acceptance of tactical decisions are done. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Research and classification of mistakes of investigator expose principal reasons of their origin at an acceptance and practical realization of tactical decisions that matters for perfection of inquisitional and judicial activity. It should be noted that the use the brought classification over of mistakes by persons accepting administrative decisions, will allow to avoid them at making decision and in the different spheres of economic activity.


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