Social and Legal Security and Guarantees of the Activities of Prosecutors in the Conditions of Reforming of Bodies of Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine


  • Ivanova G. S. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. Nearest future the prosecutor’s office in Ukraine will be reformed. And this is not only one of the key commitments of Ukraine to the Council of Europe as an urgent and obvious social need for today. Ever since the late 1990s prosecutor’s office had a special status in the system of government of Ukraine. There are huge plenary powers in the area of criminal investigation, possibility of intervention in business activities and litigation between private parties, and a large arsenal kinds of pressure on the judiciary. However in the conditions of present time prosecutor’s office in Ukraine have all defects in one or another measure, that inherent and to other law enforcement authorities: opacity and inefficiency of results of activity, corruption, excessive administrative plenary powers of leaders, active participation in the process of politically exposed, low professional level, closed procedure of setting of public prosecutors on administrative positions and sufficiently unsuccessful mechanism of bringing in of prosecutors to disciplinary responsibility. Target of research. The aim of Article is investigated the mechanism of bringing prosecutors to disciplinary responsibility in conditions of present time. Article’s main body. Reformation of the prosecution is justified and necessary measure. Paying attention to this it should be noted that not only a sharp social necessity induces to realization of reforms but also necessities of our state in relation to forming of new model of office of public prosecutor, and also and obligation of Ukraine before the European institutes. Conclusions and prospects for the development. In our opinion, significant attention should be paid to the issue outlined the mechanism is bringing prosecutors to disciplinary responsibility because today ensure labor rights for workers and the establishment of an effective mechanism of social protection is one of the key directions of the state policy towards Ukraine joining the European Union.


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