Models of Formation of Voter Lists


  • Kovalenko M G. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. The election is a direct expression of the power of the people and simultaneously the public authorities legitimizing mechanism. The effectiveness of the election organization and conduct, the degree of citizens’ belief to them depend not only on the quality of legal regulation of election procedures, but also of their documentation. The documents circulation is one of the obligatory conditions in the election process. The electoral documents formalize various actions, procedures, decisions at all stages of the process. They are characterized by diversity, versatility, the diversity of subjects. Target of researche is to identify the organizational and legal models of voters’ lists formation and their features. Article’s main body.The list of voters is an official legal document, which is made by the competent authorities in order to exercise their right to vote. It is a special type of electoral document so long as defines the range of active participants in the electoral process. In the most countries of the world voter registration is voluntary, because it conforms to the generally accepted principle of free suffrage. The legislation of all countries sets a range of requirements for voters’ lists compiling – setting of responsible persons, frequency of compiling, details, dates of preparation, adjustment, submission for voters review, procedure of making changes and additions. The voters’ registration and drawing up the electoral lists are necessary in order to provide citizens the opportunity to vote because, as a general rule, only persons included in the list of voters can. The registration of voters is a necessary condition for the realization of the voter’s right and means the inclusion of a person in the voter list, under which he can be admitted to the vote. Conclusions and prospects for the development. The foreign experience of legal regulation and organizational support of the voter’s lists models indicates their great diversity. Each of these models has its positive and negative features. Their detection is considered to be crucial by the need to solve a number of organizational and legal problems of the voters’ registration in Ukraine. However, it should be based on critical analysis and in the context of the political and legal, social and other factors that contribute to the use of certain model in a country. This could be the subject of further research.


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