Features of Land Lot Property Rights Turnover in Material and Non-Material Production Field


  • Chuiko L. A. NDI PZIR


Problem setting. Thorough regulation of economic production process is the key to state economic development, to efficient using of natural resources. Land (land lots) occupies the central place in the economic production of material and non-material field. For today, legislators haven’t determined the features of land lots using, its property rights turnover in economic production field. Consequently, there is a need for practical and theoretical clarification of these issues. Analysis of recent research and publications. Special analysis of land lot property rights transferability hasn’t been conducted by entities in different economic production fields. Some aspects of this issue were highlighted in the works of: O. N. Vinnyk, D. H. Lypnytskyy, M. K. Halyantych, V. D. Bazylevych, I. V. Bulgakov and others. Target of the research. The purpose of the article is to define the land categories that are used in various areas of economic production (material or non-material). The author assign the task to define the features of land lot property rights turnover in mentioned field. Article’s main body. Material production is directly linked with the formation of material wealth that meet the specific needs of individuals and society. Non-material sphere does not intend to make property values. Depending on the field of (material or non-material) production, the features of legal regulation of economic relations have been determined. Land (land lots) as the real estate and natural resources is a fundamental factor of economic production, the determinant attribute that assigns the features of legal regulation of various fields of economic production, that also depends on the land category. Agricultural land, residential and public buildings land, forestry land, water resources land and industry land belong to material production economic field. To the non-material production field we could concern reservation land, environmentoriented land, recreational land and historical-cultural land. The features of land lot property rights turnover in material and non-material production are recorded in restricted regarding theirs transferability in economic activity field. That leads to the establishment of appropriate characteristics of the legal regulation of economic relations. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Determination of land categories that are used in the fields of material and non-material production, establishment of the features of land lot property rights turnover in mentioned areas makes it possible to build economic strategy of effective land use, economic production development of the state.


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