Legal Form of Filling the European Integration Coursee of Ukraine in the Field of Government Officials’ Labour


  • Pavlichenko V. M.


Problem setting. As of today overdue there is the issue of deep and far-reaching meaningful transformations of system of civil servants Ukraine. This political and legal step caused by the need to reform the fundamental principles of civil service of Ukraine. Democratic EC conditions point to the need to build a new conceptual model of Civil Service of Ukraine. Enhancing the role of public service today is due primarily objective need for management of complex social processes. Analysis of resent researches and publications. Questions about principal forms of legal content of European integration of Ukraine in the field of civil servants in one way or another examined by such scholars as V. B. Averyanov, J. P. Bytyak, N. B. Bolotina, A. M. Vasilyev, V. S. Venediktov, I. A. Hrytsiak, Z. H. Ziller, Y. Ishchenko A. V. Kirmach, I. B. Koliushko, O. M. Korhogo, I. V. Kravchuk, A. F. Melnikov, A. Orzhel, O. M. Pale, A. Poltorakov, P. D. Prilipko, S. M. Seregin, V. V. Sichenko, V. M. Soroko, V. P. Tymoshchuk, N. V. Figel, A. M. Shkolyk, N. M. Farmers, N. V. Yanyuk and others. Article’s main body. Analyzed the concept of «form» in general, it is proposed to legislate such concepts as «civil servant», «civil service positions», as well as to clarify the meaning of the base of the term «public service», it is proposed to carry out a clear separation of civil servants into two groups. Conclusions and prospects for the development. All forms of legal services we have proposed for European integration of Ukraine in the field of civil servants are closely related to each other and the result of their implementation directly correlates with overall efficiency reforms. In addition, we believe that the civil service reform of Ukraine must meet the following principles as openness and accessibility to the discussion; focus on specifically outlined the final result; the principle of simplicity governance. The reform of the civil service Ukraine must necessarily combine the interests of the state, on the one hand, and the interests of civil society on the other.


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