International Standards in the Regulation of Institutional Relations in Labor Law


  • Volynets V. V.


Problem setting. During the evolution of the world of humanity, against the background of apolitical ideas on equality of every human being and development of industrial society, where there are legal entities, employers and workers, where there were contradictions between the interests of big business and employees, the question of dealing with a large number of problems related to the legal regulation of providing employment and closely related rights and citizen rights. Analysis of resent researches and publications. At one time, the problems of international standards regulating relations in labor law to pay attention to such experts as Z. S. Bohatyrenko, V. J. Burak, S. I. Zapara, M. I. Inshyn, I. J. Kiselev, Z. Y. Kozak, A. R. Matsjuk, P. D. Pylypenko, O. A. Khymenko, H. I. Chanyshev, V. I. Scherbyna and others. Article’s main body. In the article investigated the essence and importance of international labor standards, analyzed legal acts of the International Labour Organisation, which contain relevant standards in the regulation of relations with the organization and management of labor. Conclusions and prospects for the development. It should be noted that against the background of individual efforts in the early twentieth century settlement organization and management relations in the field of employment law in individual countries, Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labour Organisation have been adopted in the 50 years of the twentieth century are of fundamental importance in the future development trends of ensuring human freedoms and legitimate interests of the relevant relationship.


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