Public Policy of Ukraine in the Field of a Labour Protection: Influence of EU Legal Standards


  • Ivchuk Yu. Yu. NDI PZIR


Problem. The European Union is increasingly becoming one of the most powerful economic centers. Considering Ukraine’s aspiration to integrate into the European Union before the legislature of the country raises the question of such a system of law-making in the state, which would ensure the development and acceptance of all without exception legal acts by the legal standards of the EU. Analysis of recent research and publications. Some aspects of work were considered in the works of scientists: M. G. Aleksandrov, M. Y. Baru, N. B. Bolotina, V. S. Venediktov, G. S. Goncharova, V. V. Zhernakov, S. M. Prylypko, V. I. Prokopenko, O. I. Protsevskyy, N. N. Khutoryan, O. M. Yaroshenko and others. Target of research. Research of world standards in industries of labour protection and analysis of their influence on development of labour protection in Ukraine. The main material. Bringing a national legislation over from a labour protection in accordance with the standards of European Union is a necessity for guaranteeing of high level of social defence of workers, improvement of terms of labour in relation to defence of health and safety during realization of labour duties. Success of measures on a labor protection depends on joint efforts of social partners. Labor Protection Policy of the European Community based preventive approaches that involve all participants, including the workers themselves, in order to prevent the risk of development of culture, the cornerstones of which are: education, awareness and prevention. The necessary preconditions for improving the quality of labor is the effective implementation and proper monitoring. It should be noted that in recent years in Ukraine has changed the approach to safety, namely since independence. This change was caused by a number of internal and external factors. Conclusions. Thus, in modern conditions of state and society, the legislative and policy framework in the field of work in a market economy should create an effective mechanism through which will be implemented the full range of measures to create conditions that meet the requirements of preserving life and health of employees and to strengthen the role and importance of the collective agreement to ensure the proper, safe and healthy working conditions.


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