Subjects of Public Service Management


  • Runova N. O.


Problem setting. In the process of administrative reform in Ukraine important to improve the mechanisms of public service management, given the current socio-economic and political situation in the country, European initiatives and international trends. Like any other system, civil service management based on numerous Ukraine relations between the two essential elements – object and subject of management. Analysis of resent researches and publications. The study subjects of public administration, including public service management involved in many domestic and foreign jurists, including: V. B. Averyanov, M. O. Bahmet, L. R. White, J. P. Bytyak, S. V. Kivalov, V. Malinowski, N. R. Nyzhnyk, A. Obolensky and others. Article’s main body. The article proves the relevance of the research of subjects of Ukrainian public service management and the need to optimize their structure and the implementation of other measures to improve the management of public service. The article defines the concept of «the subject of public service management», isolates and characterizes the main subjects of public service in Ukraine. Conclusions and prospects for the development. So, as a result of the study, we conclude that the main subjects of public service management are: 1) The President of Ukraine; 2) The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; 3) specially authorized central executive civil service (currently National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service) and its territorial bodies; 4) Center of Civil Service to EU standards and other permanent or temporary consultative, advisory bodies in Ukraine; 5) service personnel (human life); 6) the head of civil service in the relevant public body or unit.


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