Variety of Information Relations in the State Service Field (Administrative and Legal Aspects)


  • Pakhomova I. A.


Problem setting. The current period of independence of Ukraine is characterized by enhancement of the role and significance of information in all areas of state administration staffed by state servants. Today, information is not just a form of data retention and exchange for public service. Information is the strategic resource for adoption a right management decision. Consequently, the specific kind of management relationship has been formed in state service field – so-termed information relations. Target of research. Variety of content senses of information relations in the state service field requires its comprehensive scientific development. Particularly, the scientific task of forming its doctrinal classification becomes currently important. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Doctrinal best practices of such legal scholars as G. Atamanchuk, T. Aman, Politanskyy V., V. Anokhin, Ivan Kaspersky, Yuri Baturin, A. Maruschak have become scientific and theoretical basis of the article. In turn, national legislation of Ukraine that regulates administrative aspects of central and local authorities and judicial system functioning, information technologies using in state administration have become the normative basis of the research. Article’s main body. The article contains the author’s edition of the information relationships classification formed in the state service field. In the current state development of Ukraine, information become the important strategic resource for adoption a right management decision, in this regard author proposed a number of interrelated criteria for information relations distinguishing. Among them: the division of state service in civil and militarized; belonging of state authorities to different branches of government; management activities stages; distinctions of the subordination in the state service; types of the functions of state government; distinctions of organizational legal forms of public authorities; regional jurisdiction of state authorities; distinctions of the information exchange function between state servants; social significance of information relations at the state service; social role of information relationships; information categories used by state servants, distinctions of the physical storage media, the level of regulation. Conclusions and prospects for the development. The abovementioned information provided is not only scientific and theoretical basis for further updates of doctrinal approaches of scientific research of state management relations system, but also ministerial to a range practical problems solution – indicates shortcomings of information relations in the state service in terms of its management ensuring, helps to determine priority ways to improve its legal support, allows to set the default administrative situations that lead to information relationships between state servants.


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How to Cite

Пахомова І. А. (2022). Variety of Information Relations in the State Service Field (Administrative and Legal Aspects). Law and Innovation Society, (1 (4), 144–150. Retrieved from


