The Category Legal Regime in Labor Law: Posing of Questions and Approaches to Their Solution


  • Yakovlev O. A.


Problem setting. In this article, the author raises question about the need for a systematic research of the legal regime as one of the criteria for division into the fields of law. The relevance of the research highlighted the absence a unified doctrinal definition so important for the science of labor law category – «legal regime». Various popular in such sciences as the theory of state and law, administrative law, labor law, customs law approaches to understanding and measuring the fundamental category of legal regime are considered. Analysis of resent researches and publications. The following scientists were engaged in research of the specified question: S. S. Alexeyev, V. V. Zhernakov, I. V. Gushchin, N. I. Diveyeva, M. I. Inshyn, N. V. Kozachok, S. M. Prylypko, O. M. Yaroshenko, M. V. Lushnikova, O. M. Lushnikov and others. Article’s main body. S. S. Alexeyev understand legal regime as the procedure of regulating social relations, expressed in complex of legal means. D. M. Bakhrakh in another way determines the legal regime – it is a system of law which regulates the activity, the relationship between people about certain objects. V. V. Bohutskyi said that administrative and legal regime is a combination of administrative and legal means of regulation, which results in a centralized manner, imperative method of legal enforcement and legal inequality of legal subjects. The main value of this definition – establishing the link between regime and the method of regulation. Existing approaches to understanding the legal regime and its elements are based largely on the recognition of the division of the right in private and public and their opposition. But nowadays put forward thesis about the diffusion of private and public regulation on the example of labor law (S. P. Pohrebnyak). Conclusions and prospects for the development. Author think, that labor relations and relations, associated with labor relations need different methods of regulation. Labor relations require dispositive regulation, and relations, associated with labor – more imperative regulation. Future researches are perspective to establish a clear definition of the legal regime, classification of legal regimes and the place of the legal regime in labor law.


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