Foreign French Experience of Organization and Operation of Law Enforcement Agencies and Possibilities of Its Use in Ukraine


  • Gritsenko V. G.


Problem setting. The significance of the chosen topic is that due to the fact that the people of Ukraine is on the path of real convergence, integration and association with the European Union. Foreign French experience of law enforcement system is urgent from the standpoint of the need to overcome corruption in Ukraine. Analysis of resent researches and publications. The issue of research and implementation experience of France on law enforcement concerned following scientists: A. N. Bandurka, G. A. Vasilevich and A. Prudnikov, V. A. Vlasihin, D. Halyhan, B. Gournay, V. Dubko, A. V. Endoltseva, V. A. Zarosylo, I. D. Kazanchuk, D. P. Kalayanov, A. Koblikov, V. Konoplyev, P. P. Mihaylenko, N. E. Minyaylo, L. A. Okounkov, V. A. Orlov, V. A. Panteleyev, OH. C. Pronevych, A. K. Romanov, A. V. Samotuha, V. A. Sichkar, A. Sokolenko, V. L. Filshteyn, and others. Article’s main body. The article is the study of the characteristics possessed by the French police, analyzed scientific approaches of prominent French scientists concerning the legal status of law enforcement system of France, contains a list of possible receptions functioning law enforcement agencies in France to Ukraine. Conclusions and prospects for the development. So, the next innovation Ukraine should borrow from the French system of law enforcement agencies: municipal police, judicial police, establishment under the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine separate national police and special units.


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