The prospects of the legal relations on the internet: economic and legal aspects


  • Yefremova К. V.


Problem setting. The sharp increase in the socio-economic importance of the use of the international Internet network has exacerbated the legal problems associated with the use of high computer and telecommunication technologies. The Internet is becoming a reflection of real life; there are almost all the types of relations, which exist outside of it, on the Internet. It should be noted that the practice in this case is ahead of theory and the legislation in its turn lags behind practice. Meanwhile, law is the most effective regulator of social relations. Analysis of recent researches and publications. In recent years a large number of scientists, both foreign and domestic, have focused on the questions of relations on the Internet. The Russian authors are B. Andrieiev, A Hlushkov, D. Hrybanov, M. Dmytryk, V. Kopylov, I. Rassolov. Such scientific researches of Ukrainian scientists should be noted: «Basic concepts of legal regulation of Internet relations in Ukraine» by O. Prysiazhniuk, «The International legal framework for regulation of relations on the Internet» by K. Shahmazanov, «Providing legal framework for the development of e-Commerce» by M Dutov, «The Private law relations and the specifics of their development on the Internet» by O. Shyshka, «The Prospects of improvement of legal regulation of access to and dissemination of information through the Internet» by K. Shurupova. Target of research consists in defining main features of the Internet relations that need effective economic and legal means of regulation and identification of the balance between self-regulation mechanisms of these relations and the need to implement the state policy in this sphere by defining the legal nature of online relations and their patterns. Article’s main body. The questions of the necessity of legal regulation of relations, which arise, exist and stop by the instrumentality of the Internet network, are considered in the article. The issues of their self-regulation and the need for a combination with an effective means of state policy in the sphere of information security through the identification of the legal nature of such relations and their patterns are raised. Conclusions and prospects for the development. The author determines the impossibility of complete self-regulation in this field and outlines the range of outstanding issues. Detailed classification of subjects and objects in Internet relations is provided, additional specific elements, which are a necessary condition for the occurrence of such relations, are determined.


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Kopylov V. A. Informacionnnoe pravo (Information Law) / V. A. Kopylov. – M. : Yurist, 2003. – Рp. 131–132.

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How to Cite

Єфремова К. В. (2022). The prospects of the legal relations on the internet: economic and legal aspects. Law and Innovation Society, (1 (2), 5–11. Retrieved from


