TNK as subjects of innovative development in the world economy
Problem setting. The situation to date is objectively determined by consequences of economic crisis in the world and multiple disabilities of the «manual» control in the national economy, corruption schemes, carried out over the years and the threat of foreign intervention, which is already causing real damage to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Ukraine. In particular, in the Program of Government of Ukraine stated that the Ukrainian state «is being at the deepest economic, political and social crisis in the history of its independence». Analysis of recent researches and publications. In particular, a theoretical background for this research was amounted by works of such scholars as: Y. Y. Atamanova, O. M. Vinnyk, O. A. Horodovyy, V. A. Denysyuk, D. V. Zadyhaylo, Y. M. Kapitsa, H. D. Kondratyev, V. M. Kryzhna, B. I. Mints, N. M. Myronenko, O. P. Orlyuk, I. Y. Pohrebnyak, S. F. Revutskyy, O. D. Svyatotskyy, I. V Spasybo-Fateeva, E. Y. Volynets-Russet, V. M. Hayvoronskyy, V. A. Dozortsev, O. M. Davydyuk, P. P. Kraynyev, V. K. Mamutov, D. Daniels and works of other native and foreign experts. Target of research. On the basis of handling modern economic and legal researches the author proposed an analysis of activities and influence of transnational corporations as subjects of private economic power in the world economy. In this context, the author explores concepts such as globalization, internationalization of the activities of TNCs, in particular, were offered their definitions and basic indicia. Article’s main body. The competitiveness and sustainable development of economy in our country depends on its ability to respond quickly to a range of external and internal challenges, in particular, due to changes of internal factors of the economic system in the world coupled with the negative effects of the global economic crisis. Hence, an urgent need of fundamental economic and legal justification of social and economic changes taking place today. In such difficult conditions, Ukraine faces urgent task of successful integration of the national economy into the world economy, but with mandatory interests of national producers. Creating a flexible balance sheet under current conditions of dominance of transnational corporations in the world is a big dilemma, establishing viable mechanisms of legal regulation of the social and economic relations will be key to ensure national economic security of Ukraine. Conclusions and prospects for the development. So having a large part of scientific and technical personnel and applying a technical knowledge on a global scale, transnational corporations are in fact the most important actors in the formation of a global infrastructure of technological innovations. They have a significant impact on the geography of R & D in the world by controlling the movement of the main components needed for innovative projects: venture capital, skilled labor, new ideas and developments. Thus, those innovative activities undertaken by TNCs make a significant impact at the competitiveness in the world economy, identifying leading of one and lagging positions of some others.
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