Legal providing of innovative processes as factor of reformation of economy


  • Sheverdina O. V.


Problem setting. The article is dedicated to the basic problems of the legal providing of innovative processes in Ukraine. An author marks that able to take the deserving place in the structure of the international economic system Ukraine only on condition of domination of innovative way of development. For this reason innovative processes that take place in our state lately are under intent attention of many scientists-economists, lawyers, political scientists, sociologists and others like that. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The different aspects of the legal providing of innovative processes were considered such scientists, as: J. E. Atamanova, O. M. Davidyuk, D. V. Zadikhaylo, Y. M. Kapicya, V. I. Nezhiborec’, O. P. Orlyuk, S. F. Revuckiy et al. However today the purposeful, complex going near the legal providing of innovative processes did not yet purchase legislative registration. Target of research. The task of the real article is an analysis of the state of the legal providing of innovative processes that take place in the economy of Ukraine, in the context of reformation of the last, and also grant of suggestions in relation to making alteration to the legislation in the field of it. Article’s main body. An author was stopped for consideration of question about the necessity of the legal adjusting as such, defined the volumes of normative material, adjusting of innovative processes is provided that, and structure of the legal providing, in the field of it. Full transition (not declarative) to innovative model of development of economy of Ukraine is the primary task of not only economic or innovation policy. Ukrainian society needs to move on innovative way of thinking, that can be caused by organic combination of various political, organizational, economic, legal, socio-psychological, humanitarian and institutional reforms, which in its turn can lead to multiplier effects of the reform of the economic system already on innovative principles and will provide a strong stimilate for its development and integration into the international economic system. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Summing up resulted, an author marked that it is necessary to create the mechanism of the legal providing of innovative not processes as such, but separate direction of public economic policy, that touches social, economic interests, and also questions of national safety and prosperity of whole country.


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How to Cite

Шевердіна О. В. (2022). Legal providing of innovative processes as factor of reformation of economy. Law and Innovation Society, (1 (2), 22–29. Retrieved from


