The content and significance of the principle of permitted and effective use of compulsory state medical insurance


  • Semenova A. V.


Problem setting. Legal principles not only determine the content of specific rules of law, but also directly regulate social relations. Disclosure of the basic principles compulsory social insurance contributes to the proper understanding of its role and objectives, content-specific regulations in this area. A special place among the above-mentioned principles is the requirement of the target and effective use of compulsory state social insurance. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Certain issues in the field of compulsory health insurance was explored in his scientific works of such scholars as centuries V.Andreev, M. Baimuratov, N. Bolotina, O. Zaikin, M. Zakharov, G. Ivanov, P. Kaminska, S. Lukash, A. Machulski, E. Moskalenko, A. Prasov, S. Prylypko, C. Roik, I. Sirota, E. Tuchkova, A. Jusko, O. Yaroshenko and others. However, consider it appropriate give special consideration to the analysis of the principle of targeted and effective use of compulsory state medical insurance. Target of research. The aim of the article is to study the principle of targeted and effective use of compulsory state medical insurance. Obligatory state medical insurance – one of the most essential elements of the system of social defense of population in the field of guard of health and receipt of necessary medicare in the case of disease. The state in the person of the legislative and executive bodies must determine basic principles of his organization, set the tariffs of payments, circle of insure and creation of the special state funds for the accumulation of payments on obligatory medical insurance. Defining his basic principles, we can form reliable foundation normatively legal providing of relations in this sphere of social security. Article’s main body. The principle of permitted and effective use of compulsory state medical insurance is that the use of insurance funds is carried out in well-defined cases and by the way, the purpose of which is to obtain the highest possible results at minimum cost. Principles are the social phenomena both after the source of origin and on maintenance. Their origin is predetermined the necessities of community development and conformities to law of public life are reflected in them. Without the account of such material points it is impossible to explain and understand the special value of principles for the successive concordance of human activity with the requirements of objective social conformities to law. All of it touches principles of right to afull degree. Conclusions and prospects for the development. An author in the article comes to the conclusion, that it is necessary to create a legal norm after which exceptionally in a law must be certain: structure of the system of obligatory medical insurance; persons which are subject insurance, their right and duties; insure, their right and duties; types of insurance payments, terms of receipt on them of rights, order of determining size and order of realization; order of the use of insurance facilities; organization and order of realization of management the system of obligatory medical insurance


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How to Cite

Семенова А. В. (2022). The content and significance of the principle of permitted and effective use of compulsory state medical insurance. Law and Innovation Society, (1 (2), 60–66. Retrieved from


