To the question of the assessment of civil servant
Problem setting. Simultaneously with the delegation of responsibility each employee receives the appropriate rights or privileges necessary for the qualitative and initiative execution of his duties. One of the rights of the civil servant has the right to a safe and appropriate working conditions. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Private occupational safety and certification of workplaces, including, studied by such scholars as M. Alexandrov, M. Bars, N. Bolotina, V. Venediktov, G. Goncharov, V. Zhernakov, A. Kolesov, S. Prilipko, C. Prokopenko, O. Prozesky,A. Sukharev, N. Farmers, L. Shevchuk, O. Yaroshenko and others. But a comprehensive study on the certification of workplaces in general and civil servants, in particular, during the time of independence of Ukraine was conducted. Target of research. The aim of the article is to study the question of the evaluation of the workplace civil servant and guidance of the author’s definition of this concept. Article’s main body. The rights of citizens of Ukraine on labour provided by the state. Employees implement the right to work by the contract of employment on the work at the enterprise, institution, organization or individual. The build process in Ukraine is a democratic, social, rule of law requires the establishment and implementation of the main tasks of ensuring the rights and freedoms that are directly related to the need to improve the mechanism of legal regulation in certain areas of public life, including in the sphere of social protection of workers’ rights.Building an effective mechanism to create appropriate conditions jobs of civil servants in Ukraine is a task that must be performed in the concept of development of the Ukrainian legal and social state. The quality of the evaluation of the workplace civil servant depends on the efficiency of the tasks facing the state with the objective of maintaining a normal life and existence of state institutions. The concept of certification workplace civil servant should be distinguished from the concept of certification as a procedure for determining the qualifications and knowledge of civil servants. Studying the scientific literature on the concept of certification, it should be noted that there are 3 main approaches specified concepts. Level of service jobs civil servants in the executive bodies affects their productivity. Therefore, timely service information, which comes to a government employee, is one of the elements of the rational organization of his work, because it enables us to make informed decisions. Any benefits and compensation provided for work with harmful and difficult working conditions for state employees is not provided by legislation. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Thus, certification workplace civil servant is a comprehensive assessment of all factors of the working environment and working process, related socio-economic factors affecting the health and performance of civil servants in the process of execution of the state function on the basis and within the powers provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.
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