EU innovative strategy: lessons for Ukraine


  • Yakoviyk I. V.


problem setting. The rapid development of globalization and regional integration leads to increased competition in the economic sphere that explains the attention of not only national governments, but also integration structures, including the European Union, to the development of innovation in different areas. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The innovation policy issues have been researched by native lawyers broadly. However, the problem of EU innovation strategy forming and its influence on the policy of the Member States have not been researched enough. Target of research. The purpose of the article is to determine the characteristics of the formation and implementation of innovation policy at different stages of the integration process in Europe. Article’s main body. National and supranational levels of government in Europe aim efforts at accelerated modernization and restructuring of its own education and science, trying to reach such condition of its functioning that will provide innovative development, and therefore – to provide the global competiveness united Europe. Analysis of these processes is an important and relevant from theoretical and practical point of view, it helps to develop a conceptual vision of innovation policy realization in terms of the state membership as the part of a supranational interstate association. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Innovation policy in the European Union is implemented in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity. It means that it is made at such level of authority that can obtain the maximum total benefits, but at the lowest level where it can be qualitatively implement. Accordingly, there is a need for a clear definition of innovation policy levels, and specifying of goals, tasks and forms of innovation activity stimulation. European Union wend the way of expanding of cooperation with associated countries and third world countries in order to stimulate innovation development and formulate the innovation policy instruments.


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