Forming Creative Competence in Higher Education: Notion and Peculiarities of Content


  • Bystrova Y. V.


problem setting. In modern society, the most important component of the reform process is personality-oriented innovation and striving for self-improvement, self-development. This entails filling a new content development of higher education should be: the creation of adequate conditions for mastering a person previously unknown ways of thinking and patterns of activity; develop her critical, creative relationship to reality, the ability to introduce and promote the wide use of innovations. The phenomenon of the global information society, which reaches the next, higher phase of development – the «knowledge society» and creates a «new person», enhances interest in the subject of creativity. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Special attention is paid to problems of forming creative competence, it condition and content in higher education in the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» and in the writings of well-known scholars: Gil’mutdinova R. (researched structure to the creative competence); N. Malakhova and O. Bessarabova (disclosed key elements forming creative competence in the education system of innovation society); Hutorskoy A. and Rasmussen P. (determined the competence, creativity as a characteristic of the new approach to the construction of educational standards etc). Target of research. Identify ways, forms and modern methods of forming creative competence of the person in the higher education system are not well understood, require clarification and indepth study. Article’s main body. Formation characteristics of competency training of lawyers in different spheres of activity that can in the future to realize its value-sense direction, during the educational process requires creativity, psychological competence in both the cognitive, functional, deontological, personal, be guided by acmeological development (achieving the highest level of individual development) angles empathy-tolerant behavior. The purpose of universities with the advent of the modern paradigm of learning should be the creation of a new environment and the formation of experience that will help students discover and gain specialized knowledge for themselves. Conclusions and prospects for the development. The foregoing leads to the need to understand the importance of forming a creative personality competence, in terms of innovative society and training the new time. Formation of creativity implies: a stable creative personality development (knowledge, skills, and the ability to create something new). Clustering competencies that today are the result of a new paradigm of higher education, let’s talk about the education of motivational, cognitive, emotional and volitional value-semantic characteristics of the person as a representative of modernity.


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