The Basis of Legal Regulation Brazil Innovation Policy


  • Novikov E. A.


problem sitting. To date, 5 countries organized BRICS which included Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. High economic development is predicted to these countries, even in post crisis time. Owing to various criteria, it can be seen why those countries are constitute this abbreviation, e.c. China and India the biggest importers of raw materials, Brazil, Russia and RSA – its exporters. We will focus on Brazil because it has rapid economic development and dynamic development in many areas from social to innovation. Target of research. Research of legal regulation of Brazilian innovation policy for using experience of this country. Detection of main innovations in the system building of innovation model on the level of State. Article’s main body. Owing to permanent and durable financing of scientific sphere, Brazil gradually gaining international scope and prestige among other countries in scientific and technology area. Government of Brazil increase funding in innovation sphere gradually, a vivid example of that is statistic, grow of assignation on scientific sphere increase by 72 % from 2000 till 2010. National expenditure on research scientific work was 1.19 % from GDP in 2010, in addition, more than half funds was allocated from the State budget. Innovation law enacted in 2004, which was first among other Latin American countries. A key component of this normative act it’s encourage state and private companies for the exchange of scientific workers and funds, including between science laboratories. «Good Law» appeared in legislation of Brazil in 2005, which provides an opportunity to use special tax inducements and unique tax regime. In accordance with the law, entities which will begin to engage research scientific work or will invest its own funds, allows the use tax inducements automatically. One of the main tasks of modern Brazil increases the competitiveness of goods and services through modernization of manufacturing and development in Innovative economy sector. Conclusions and prospects for the development. It should be noted Brazil’s significant commitment to improve their own position in international economics. The main indicator of this desire it’s Brazil scientific and technological development as the main direction of development.


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