On the Features Industry Regulation Public Financing Activities


  • Damirchiev M. I.


Statement of the problem. In today’s financial and legal science currently no unanimous approach to the definition of «public financial activities», singling out the content of such activities. Thus, speaking of public financial activities, it should be noted that the sectoral focus on regulation of such activities it makes use of financial and legal norms. However, the level of financial and legal aspects to be talked about and some specific management relations when it comes to legal and administrative controls state financial sector. It seems important to explore the features of public sector regulation of financial activities. Target of research. The purpose of the article is to describe approaches to regulation peculiarities public financial activities. Analysis of recent research. The issue of public financing activities devoted to the works of scholars such as M. V. Karasev, A. A. Nechay, O. G. Paul, A. A. Semchyk, V. D. Chernadchuk and others. Articles main body. The author draws attention to the features of the regulation of public finance. Scientists analyzed different approaches to the determination of the content of the financial activities, also investigated the relationship between the concepts of «financial activities of the state and territorial communities» and «public financial management». Conclusions. Hardly appropriate financial activities of the state viewed as activities to distribution of gross domestic product by formation, distribution and use of funds. This dynamics such activities under implementation. Means of financing activities – is another. Moreover, one can hardly distinguish the only means of financing activities for all its stages. At each stage apply their individual methods can not be applied to another stage. For example, how to use the method of compulsory mobilization of funds in the form of taxation, which is inherent to the first stage of the movement of funds in the allocation and use of public funds.


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