Legal Basis of Defence Reforms in Ukraine During Crisis


  • Semenyshyn A. V.


problem setting. It is crucial in terms of external aggression to adopt new defense industrial policy and to reform the military-industrial complex of Ukraine, part of which has been completely lost since it was captured with territory of Ukraine. In addition to these challenges, the development of Ukrainian defense industry is limited by lasting stagnation of Ukrainian economy and artificial inflation. In such difficult conditions, Ukrainian authorities should use correct economic and legal instruments to form a comprehensive reform strategy for the defense industry that are based on the principles of innovation, modernization, renovation and do everything to fulfil its tasks and to achieve positive results. Analysis of present researches and publications. Most researchers of selected issue are economists, specialists in military building and political experts, lawyers and enterprise executives. In particular, V. P. Horbulin, A. S. Gritsenko, A. I. Shevtsov, V. S. Shekhovtsov, Sungurovskiy M., V. Badrak, R. V. Bondarchuk, etc. However, most of the researchers have focused their attention only to specific aspects of the issue, and are usually not considered implementing innovative aspect in the reform of the Ukrainian defense industry in law sphere. Article’s main body. This article analyzes the economic and legal measures in Ukraine’s defense industry reform during crisis situation in the economy and according to the challenges that have risen as a result of foreign military aggression against the sovereignty of the country. In the article the main idea is focused around the issues of creating an innovative model of development of the military-industrial complex that could serve as an intensification activity to Ukrainian defense. It is proposed to apply governmental support measures for the defense enterprises of Ukraine during the economic crisis, analyzed the economic and legal basis for optimization of Ukrainian defense policy in times of a constant need for army weapons and military equipment, the use of foreign assistance. Conclusions and prospects. Under a constant threat of war, it is necessary to thoroughly consider of moving to militaristic economic model of management, that is based on the innovative economy, according to which the public sector is the priority of the military-industrial complex. It should be considered that the development of the military-industrial complex has a cumulative effect and stimulates civil economic industries.


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