The History of the Formation and Functioning of Professional Self-Regulatory Organizations in the Construction Industry


  • Garmash I. M.


Analysis of recent researches and publications. The study of the formation, appearance and functioning of self-regulatory organizations devoted to a fairly small amount of scientific papers, in particular, this issue was considered in the works of Abolotin G. O., Atamanova Y. E., Basovoi A. V., Belousov E. M., Gerasimov A. A., Zhurina I. G., Paladskeho E. A., Slusarenko M. M. and others. Target of research. The article is devoted to the study of the formation, development of selfregulatory organizations in the world in General and self-regulating professional associations in the construction industry in particular. Article’s main body. The concept of «self-regulatory association» and «self-organization» existed throughout many eras of world history and United the representatives of different professions and social strata – from moresubstantial period of the Roman Empire, in which appeared the first such self-regulatory organization (unions of craftsmen), referring to the middle ages with its guilds and shops, looking at the formation of trade and European stock exchanges and the formation of bar associations of England and France, and ending with the analysis of the current self-regulatory organizations leading countries of the world. Self-regulation in the construction sector came relatively recently – beginning of XX century and is reflected on the territory of the United States of America. The peculiarity of this type of organizations is the fact that the fundamental characteristics that today characterize these associations, was founded in the first self-regulating unions and, in fact, by this time they have remained in its original form. In particular, we are talking about the function of supervision and control over the activities of members of these organizations, the right to create their own standards and rules of conduct for members of the Union, prohibiting the participation in several associations, establishment of certain measures of responsibility and the formation in its composition of the governing body. This expertise was appropriate to first unions of artisans and white enshrined in the Laws of the XII tables. Conclusions and prospects for the development. On the territory of our state of self-regulation emerged not so long ago and now only formed the model of professional self-organization specifically in the construction sector. In our opinion, the most positive for Ukraine can become a harmonious blend of centuries-old traditions of self-regulation and effective foreign experience of the present.


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