Service in the conditions of using digital technologies
Problem setting. The information society needs to form such a model of legal regulation of service provision, which will allow to ensure the appropriate level of quality of digital service provision, using the latest information technologies.
Target of research. To analyze the current legislation to identify the impact of the development of information technology on ensuring proper regulation of relations for the provision of services in the context of digitalization.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Many scientists have studied the problem of providing services in the domestic scientific literature, in particular, O. V. Sibilova [1], A. A. Telestakova [2], N. A. Fedosenko [3], N. V. Fedorchenko [4], Yu. E. Khodiko [5]. However, in the information society, digital services are becoming relevant, the problem of the legal regime of which needs to be studied. And although recently this type of service has become the subject of research by some scientists, namely G. K. Nekit [6], I. I. Svitlak [7], N. Yu. Filatova [8], we will try to highlight our views on digital services.
Article’s main body. The article considers the issue of defining a service as an object of turnover in the conditions of using digital technologies. Discussion issues that arise when defining the concept of digital service are resolved. The current legislation of Ukraine, scientific researches, the conclusions which have both theoretical, and practical value concerning the outlined question are analyzed.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. After analyzing the above regulations, we can conclude that the service is an action (activity) performed by one party to the contract at the request of another, aimed at obtaining a useful result not related to the creation of material goods.
Among the main features of services in the development of digital technologies are the following: 1) the service is always expressed through the active actions of the parties; 2) the service provided by the contractor is able to meet the needs of the customer; 3) lack of material nature; 4) synchronicity of provision and receipt of services (consumed in the process of their provision); 5) the service must meet the requirements specified in the contract or regulation; 6) the possibility of remote provision of services – the use of information and telecommunications systems in the provision of services.
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