Separate Issues of Legal Regulation of the State as a Subject of Investment Activity


  • Boychuk N. R. PhD Candidate of the Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine



Problem statement. The state is an active participant in the national economy of each country at the present stage of world economic development. At the same time, the scale of its influence is determined by the existing model of the economy of the state, its political system, the state of the national economy, which together is due to historical conditions and traditions.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The study of issues related to the mechanism of regulation of the exercise of state corporate investments are paying attention to such scientists as I. V. Spasibo-Fateeva, T. V. Kashanina,O. R. Kibenko, D. V. Zadykhailo, O. M. Winnick, D. I. Pogrebnoy, R. P. Boychuk, A. G. Bobkova, Yu. E. Atamanova, V. I. Andreytseva, S. V. Artamenko, I. A. Seivanova, V. M., Kravchuk, O. B. Shcherbina, V. V. Poedinok etc. However, there are still many questions that require further research, in particular, to ensure the implementation of the state’s corporate investment policy.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the legal nature of the state as a subject of investment activity, to establish the peculiarities of the implementation of corporate rights by the state, to establish the causes of inefficiency of the existing system of management of state corporate rights and to propose ways to optimize the mechanism of management of state corporate rights.

Presentation of the main material. The author investigates some questions of the status of the state as the subject of implementation of the state investment policy in the part of the state regulation of investment activity and management of investments in this article the ratio of these categories is analyzed. It is established that the duality of the role of the state as a regulator of investment relations and their participant, necessitates a clear legal distinction between the power of the state, as the owner of the property, realizing their powers, as well as power influence aimed at streamlining such relations and ensuring the interests of their participants. The functions of state regulation of investment activity, the system of authorized for their implementation of public authorities, the necessity of reforming the mechanism of state regulation in this area. The system of bodies of state management of corporate rights is analyzed, the introduction of powers of the power subject of strategic planning of corporate investment is offered. Summary. The analysis of the legal status of the state as a subject of investment relations indicates the need for a thorough analysis of the problems of legal regulation of relations, where the state is the owner of corporate rights. In our opinion, the creation of an appropriate legal mechanism for regulating the activities of enterprises with a state share in the authorized Fund is the prospect of economic development of the country in particular.


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