Principles of Professional Development of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers


  • Chupryna Yu. А. Applicant for the Department of Labor Law Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University



Problem setting. The issues of professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers are a cornerstone today during the reform of the system of higher education and education in general. The problem of building an effective system of professional development of teachers of higher education has a complex psychological and pedagogical nature. A special link in the field of professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers is occupied by the laws of personality development, which determine the principles of such development.

The purpose of this article is to consider the principles of professional development of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions.

Target of research. Researchers such as V. Adolf, A. Bodalev, A. Verbytsky, A. Derkach, N. Kuzmina and others were engaged in research in the field of professional development of personality. In turn, research on the professional development of employees can be found in the works of such scholars in the field of labor law: M. Alexandrov, A. Barsky, Y. Burnyagina, N. Vapnyarchuk, K. Gusov, V. Zhernakov, V. Kostyuk, O. Krymska, O. Pashkov, K. Plesnev, O. Protsevsky, A. Slyusar, V. Shcherbyna, O. Yaroshenko and others. It should be noted that the main feature of the teacher is multifunctionality, which is manifested in various activities: management, didactic, organizational, design and reflexive. Research work is also an important component of activity for teachers of higher education institutions.

Article’s main body. The article analyzes the concept of “professional development of scientific and pedagogical worker”, which means the formation of the personality of a professional, which is carried out in the process of mastering professional activities. Emphasis is placed on the multifunctionality of this activity, taking into account the requirements of the current stage. In the context of system-activity and acmeological approaches, such principles of professional development of a teacher of higher education as determinism, active personality, reflexivity, interdependence of pedagogical and research activities, personal development of professional environment, feedback are described. It is concluded that the multifaceted process of professional development, which includes both personal and professional components.

Conclusions. Making a general conclusion, it should be said that the principles of professional development of scientific and pedagogical teacher can be supplemented and detailed in describing the characteristics of teachers of certain disciplines. There is a general understanding that professional development is a multifaceted process that is accompanied by changes in the entire internal sphere of the individual, affecting professional self-awareness and the formation of the image of a professional.


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How to Cite

Чуприна Ю. А. (2022). Principles of Professional Development of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers. Law and Innovation Society, (1 (12), 99–103.


